Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pension Surplus Appeal

Below is a link the the Supreme Court of Canada summary of the pension surplus appeal.  The Court is going to hear it on Feb 9, 2012.

Cuts Behind The Curtain

This study explores the impact of the federal government’s 2010 and 2011 budget cutbacks and finds between 60,100 and 68,300 jobs will be lost as a result. The author also identifies areas that are already seeing cuts and may see more of the same, and raises serious concerns about the government's lack of transparency about what will be axed, and why.

From the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


Monday, January 30, 2012

PSAC demands rights, CFIA threatens layoffs

30 Jan 2012

"Our bargaining team endured a very frustrating round of negotiations with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency during the week of January 21-26, 2012."

"We were essentially told that allowing inspectors to wash up on company time would disrupt the productivity of the “customers” – the slaughter and processing operations – along the entire food chain from eggs to meat, and cause the Canadian economy to grind to a halt."
For general updates on CFIA bargaining, bookmark this site - 

Randy Olynyk graciously attended our Local meeting on January 30. If you have any questions or comments about CFIA bargaining, please send him an email.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Better Way Alberta

The Better Way Alberta campaign is a joint project of the Alberta Federation of Labour and Public Interest Alberta.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Department of Finance online budget consultations - Have Your Say!

The Department of Finance has an online survey - Consulting with Canadians.

Now is your chance to tell the Ministry of Finance what you'd like to see in the upcoming federal budget. The department has an online questionnaire that lets you say what your priorities are for the next year. It's a golden opportunity to give the Harper government feedback on their agenda of cuts ...


Monday, January 23, 2012

PA occupational groups: classification reform process begins

Jan 23 2011

Treasury Board has finally outlined its preferred model for new occupational groups for the Program and Administrative Services (PA) group.  This model suggests three new occupational groups including a separate group for work done by the Welfare Programs (WP) group.

The model was developed as a result of the review of the PA occupational groups.  While not perfect, there arepositive elements that can build on previous pay equity gains and finally update classification standards. At the same time, we have some concerns about the implications of this model. We want to hear from members before the model is finalized.

PSAC has been raising the issue of classification reformfor decades. After negotiating classification reform in the 2008 collective agreement, PSAC has been and will continue to be involved in consultations with Treasury Board on this process.  Eventually, the union will negotiate the salaries for each of the new classifications and levels.

The Occupational Group Structure (OGS) review is the first of five steps in our effort to get the employer to establish new and modern classification standards.

For PA members, all of the current classifications will disappear, regardless of how the final occupational groups look.  PSAC members at the Canada Revenue Agency and at Canada Border Services Agency have already been through a similar review of occupational groups and classifications, and many members have benefited from the process.

While the process will take time, we will do as much as we can to ensure that it moves swiftly while protecting your rights and interests.  We will continue to fight to ensure that members will benefit from having their work classified and compensated properly. 

Following the OGS review of the PA group, a review of the other Treasury Board occupational groups represented by PSAC will follow. The PSAC has pushed for the Technical Services (TC) group to be next in line.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Local 30048 Annual Dinner Meeting

Monday, January 30, 2012
5:30 pm
New Dynasty Restaurant

Please contact Lorna Selinger at lselinger@shaw.ca or lorna.selinger@agr.gc.ca to confirm attendance by Fri, Jan 27/12.

Swearing in of elected local officers
Guest speaker: Randy Olynyk, CFIA bargaining team
2012 PSAC triennial convention

Monday, January 16, 2012

Ottawa axes food inspectors added in wake of deadly deli-meat outbreak

OTTAWA— Globe and Mail Update