Friday, April 27, 2012

Upcoming events

Please check our calendar for upcoming educational, PSAC supported, and labour related events.

Upcoming events to keep in mind:

National Day of Mourning
WhenSat, 28 April, 12:00 – 13:00
WhereMountain View Cemetery Lethbridge (map)
DescriptionJoin with your Brothers and Sisters in the House of Labour to remember those who have lost their lives, suffered serious injury or have developed occupational diseases from their work. The ceremony will begin at 12:00 pm in Mountain View Cemetery

Demonstration at MPs office
WhenTue, 1 May, 12:00 – 13:00
WhereMP Jim Hillyer's Constituency Office (255 8 Street South) (map)
DescriptionJoin your Brothers and Sisters at MP Jim Hillyer's Constituency Office (255 8 Street South) at 12:00 pm. This demonstration is an action against the budget cuts and its attack on public services. Both events are supported by the Lethbridge & District Area Council.

March of Unions

WhenSat, 5 May, 11:00 – 12:00
WhereCity Hall, Lethbridge (map)
DescriptionUnions are encouraged to bring banners and members to meet at City Hall for a Solidarity March to Galt Gardens. Members of PSAC Local 30048 will convene shortly before 11am at City Hall in order to march together.

Old Fashioned Picnic in the Park
WhenSat, 5 May, 12:00 – 16:00
WhereGalt Gardens (map)
DescriptionAfter the March of Unions Loonies picnic - beef on a bun, potato salad, homemade lemonade and ice cream - all proceeds to go to food banks Old fashioned children's games Gold and Silver band Bamboo Guppies Guest speakers Magic show Face painting Astro jump

If you can billet someone from out of town for the weekends' events, please contact Sherry Hunt at Facebook event here -

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Numbers reveal Agriculture one of hardest government sectors hit by budget cuts

From PSAC:

While this will come as no surprise to members receiving their ‘affected’ notices, the Agriculture sector of the public service was especially hard hit in the March 29 federal budget.
In fact, cuts across Agriculture Union employers were at or around the ‘worst case’ 10 per cent level ordered by the Harper government. The Conservatives, National President Bob Kingston pointed out, have shown a complete disregard for both the important services provided Canadians and the well-being of the women and men who deliver them.
These cuts are frankly worse than I had anticipated,” Kingston said. “This was a behind-closed-doors exercise by senior management with no effort to involve either the union or the members who provide these services. Many of the cuts make no sense in the real world.”
Here’s a brief overview of the major staffing impacts provided to us by various employers…
AAFC: A total of 689 indeterminate positions will be affected, with Winnipeg and the National Capital Region taking the heaviest blow. Of this total number of affected jobs, 346 are in the Program and Administrative Services Group, 231 in the Operational Services Group, 105 in the Technical Services and seven in the Library and Educational Services Group. Seven Agri-Environment Services Branch sites will be closed, and AESB, Environment and Research Branch will be merged into a new Science and Technology Centre. Seven research and sub-research centres will be closed, including those in Winnipeg, Bouctouche, New Brunswick and Delhi and Kapuskasing in Ontario. An additional 188 positions will be lost over the next six years following a decision to eliminate the Pasture Management Program, despite this being a revenue-neutral operation.
CFIA: A total of 308 positions will be lost – 247 indeterminate and 61 terms. Just fewer than 200 of these are located in the National Capital Region, with PM, AS and CR positions disproportionately impacted. Technical positions are prominent among the remaining cuts spread across the country. The loss of some 100 inspector positions completely undoes the staffing action taken in the wake of the listeriosis crisis, and then some.
PSC: A total of 87 positions will be eliminated, mostly through attrition. Six Library Services jobs will be lost in the National Capital Region. Four members in Winnipeg and six in Edmonton will receive affected notices in December 2013 in advance of the closure of those two Regional Offices in 2014.
CSPS: Our CSP members were already reeling from a pre-budget decision by the School to eliminate its language program and lay off 190 teachers and support staff. Of these 190, 119 term employees were let go as of March 31, 30 have been declared surplus (half from the National Capital Region, with the remainder in regions across the country) and a further six position to date have been identified from the Advanced Leadership Program as affected.
DND: Forty-two positions have been identified as potentially affected, although no final decision has as yet been made. The targeted jobs are those of language instructors or program developers in Ottawa, Borden and Kingston, Ontario and St-Jean and Montreal in Quebec. It is a clear indication by the numbers affected in Borden that this worksite will be closed.
The Agriculture Union will be working hard to ensure our affected members receive their full rights under the work force adjustment and employment transition provisions of their collective agreements. Any member who encounters unfairness or misapplication of these protections is urged to bring this to the attention of the union as soon as possible.
In the meantime, we will continue to take our case against these serious cuts to the public, both through the media and by working with like-minded advocacy groups and opposition politicians.

Work Force Adjustment

Many PSAC collective agreements have protections against job cuts in the federal public service. Employers must ensure that employees are treated equitably and given every opportunity to continue their careers. Your collective agreements outline your rights and options when you are an indeterminate employee facing a workforce adjustment situation. 

Here's a link to PSAC's Work Force Adjustment information, including a simple flowchart. This link also contains Questions & Answers for Term Employees.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Participate in the WFA Telephone Town Hall meeting

On April 11, 2012, 5,561 of our members in 23 departments across the country received notices saying they could lose their jobs. Those included 775 members from the Prairie Region. 
This is only the beginning of the 19,200 jobs to be cut, as announced in the 2012 Conservative federal budget, and we must connect with members immediately to give them an opportunity to discuss what's happening and ask questions about the WFA process.
To help us engage thousands of Prairies members at once, we will be holding a Telephone Town Hall on Thursday, April , 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. (Manitoba) / 6:00 p.m. (Alberta/Saskatchewan).
A Telephone Town Hall offers us the opportunity to speak with – and hear from – thousands of PSAC Prairies members at once. It's a cross between an extremely large conference call and a private talk radio show that helps to create an energy and mobilize members beyond the Telephone Town Hall.
To ensure all members are aware of this event and able to participate if they choose, we will send a recorded telephone invitation a day or two ahead of time. We will also be plantgating work sites with information about the Telephone Town Hall and future Work Force Adjustment sessions in your regional office area.
On Thursday, PSAC Prairies members will be called directly by phone and are asked to stay on the line for a Telephone Town Hall meeting beginning now. Participants are immediately connected to the live conversation where they can press a number to ask the featured speaker a question. In addition, all participants can respond to polling questions within the call, and get the results in real time. 
We will be using existing member data to call Prairies members to participate. To ensure your information is up to date, or to give us an alternate/preferred number to reach you at that evening, please contact your regional office by Wednesday, April 18 at 4:30 p.m.
The Telephone Town Hall technology is provided by Strategic Communications Inc.:
Stratcom and VocalFi have joined forces to combine their vast telecommunications and campaigns expertise to introduce this highly effective and innovative communications tool to Canada. Stratcom has nearly 20 years experience as a key Canadian leader and innovator in communication techniques for the non-profit and political sectors. VocalFi, a relatively new entrant to the marketplace, was founded by experienced, tech-savvy business professionals to provide a better platform for conducting Telephone Town Halls. And, VocalFi has chosen Stratcom as their exclusive partner in the Canadian marketplace.

Election Day Scrutineers Needed! Urgent!


We are looking for members to be available on Election Day, April 23, to act as scrutineers inside and outside the polling stations in the riding of Lethbridge West (a targeted riding). We have a limited amount of funding to cover loss of salary but hope most members would be on a no cost basis.

Please distribute this request to your membership and have them respond to me as soon as possible to indicate their availability, their contact information and if they require the LWOP. Trainning will be provided.

Together we can make a change.

In Solidarity,

Greg Krokosh
Lethbridge & District Area Council

(403) 381-8571

Federal Budget Cuts Update from Robyn Benson

April 12, 2012

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

This week is a very dark one for many PSAC members across the country.
Yesterday, thousands of members received notices from their departments
advising them that they are "affected employees", or worse, under the WFA. In
some cases members were advised that the section or organization that they are
working for is shutting it's doors.

During this difficult time, it’s critical that we get information to members as quickly
as possible. So we will be hosting a telephone town hall for Prairies members
next week to allow members to ask questions about the WFA process and
discuss the next steps. All PSAC Prairies members that we have information for
will be called and have the opportunity to participate. If you want to ensure you
are on the list, please contact your regional office and provide your updated
contact information.

I will keep you posted on the escalating impact of the cuts as other departments
and agencies advise us of their plans to cut services and jobs. But I also ask that
you keep me informed of the cuts that have been announced in your workplaces
and how this will affect you and your co-workers. You can send me updates via
e-mail at

As the PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President for the Prairies, I am committed
to helping each and every affected member through the difficult choices that you
will face in as little as 120 days under the WFA. If there is anything I can do to
assist you during this time, please let me know. You can e-mail me or call me
anytime at (204) 956-4625.

In Solidarity,
Robyn Benson
Regional Executive Vice-President
Public Service Alliance of Canada, Prairies

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Labour History Week - May 1-6, 2012

PSAC Local 30048 is pleased to join with the Alberta Federation of Labour in celebrating the legacy of 100 years of the Labour Movement in Alberta.

Lethbridge Celebrations occur May 1-6, 2012. Check our local events calendar for details. 

Starting May 1 @ Galt Museum
Labour History exhibit

May 4 @ Galt Museum
Maria Dunn Concert

May 5 11am @ City Hall
March of Unions
Meet at City Hall shortly before 11am to meet with your PSAC Brothers & Sisters. 

May 5, after the March of Unions @ Galt Gardens
Loonies picnic - beef on a bun, potato salad, homemade lemonade and ice cream - all proceeds to go to food banks
Old fashioned children's games
Gold and Silver band
Bamboo Guppies
Guest speakers
Magic show
Face painting
Astro jump

Also, if you can billet someone from out of town for the weekends' events, please contact Sherry Hunt at

Local 30048 Union Meeting - April 16, 2012

Our next local meeting is Monday, April 16, 2012 at the Lethbridge Research Centre Cafeteria Conference Room at 7pm.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Federal Budget Letter from Robyn Benson

Dear Brothers & Sisters,
After much anticipation and speculation, the Conservative government has released a regressive federal budget that outlines severe cuts to the public services we provide in our communities, and that all Canadians rely on. 
This government will cut seven per cent of the operating budget and more than 19,000 jobs, which will be devastating to Canadians and will seriously harm our economy. 
Unfortunately, because this government has been so secretive, we still don’t know exactly where the cuts will happen or how it will affect us in the Prairies.  So we need your help, Brothers and Sisters, to shed some light on the cuts and prepare ourselves for what’s ahead. We need to work together and share our experiences.

Please email me directly with any information you have about how the cuts will be rolled out, when they will be rolled out, and who will be affected in your workplaces, now and as the weeks progress.

Though the Conservative government claims the majority of the cuts will be in the National Capital Region, they have yet to give us reason to trust their word, as evidenced in this budget where they have reneged on their previous promise to leave our members’ pensions untouched.

Regardless of where the cuts crop up, I believe Canadians will feel the cuts from
coast to coast to coast.
In Solidarity,
Robyn Benson
Regional Executive VicePresident
Public Service Alliance of Canada, Prairies
Published: March 30, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Canada Budget 2012: Federal Government Job Cuts Could Mean A Lost Generation Of Civil Servants

"With the Harper government promising to slash 19,200 federal public service jobs, there is one group of people who stand to lose the most -- the students and graduates working to become the next generation of civil servants."