Thursday, November 22, 2012

Brand the Prairies Contest

The PSAC Prairie Region is looking for members with a knack for design, illustration or overall creativity to help design our regional identity.
Last year, all regions within the PSAC converted to the nationally-branded cogs to allow for a uniform identity and easy public recognition of our union. In the region, we'd like to complement it with an individual identity that represents our unique Prairie flair within the membership.
We'll be accepting submissions from members throughout November. The top designs will be featured on the regional website and the designers will each win a custom-branded PSAC Prairies t-shirt, stamped with their own design.
Please submit your design via e-mail (JPG or PDF) to Jeffrey Vallis or mail to "Brand the Prairies", 175 Hargrave Street, Suite 460, Winnipeg MB, R3C 3R8. Include the entry form below with your name, component/local, email, phone number, mailing address and preferred t-shirt size. Also, tell us a bit about your design.
When creating your logo, consider the colours, images, symbols and words that embody the Prairie Region and our members. Previously, the region has been identified with a grain elevator (see logo evolution below), but let's consider other options and explore the possibilities.
All designs submitted become the property of the PSAC Prairie Region and we reserve the right to alter the design to meet our needs.
Deadline for submissions is November 30, 2012.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

TC bargaining team defends interests of members before the PIC

November 21, 2012

TC bargaining team defends interests of members before the PIC

The TC bargaining team made its submissions on its outstanding bargaining proposals before a Public Interest Commission in Ottawa on November 13-15, 2012.

TC members underpaid

Your team told the Commission that TC members are already underpaid according to a joint pay study done by the Employer and the Union in 2007-2008, and shouldn’t be put in a worse economic situation because of the significant concession the Employer is demanding on cessation of severance pay for voluntary departures.

Proposal for new increments

The Team made the case for a new increment to be added to all steps on the wage grid in the TC collective agreement, pointing out that EGs make up a significant proportion of the bargaining unit and that EGs at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency – the closest and best comparator for that classification – achieved an additional increment in the first round of bargaining after the Agency was created about 13 years ago.
Recruitment and retention issues within specific groups in Transport Canada, Health Canada, Measurement Canada and HRSDC were also discussed, as well as proposals for a number of allowances, and the Union’s demand to roll the $2,000 allowance received by some Primary Products Inspectors into the wage rate for all PIs.

Outstanding proposals

As well, the Union addressed its remaining outstanding proposals, including acting pay, standby pay, travelling time, hours of work at Marine Security Operations Centres, and proposed changes to Appendix R.

Employer brief

Your bargaining team was shocked to hear in the Employer’s brief that since we reached impasse in bargaining last March, Treasury Board has rushed out and done two pay studies – unilaterally, not only without input from the Union, but without even telling us. These pay studies have a very small number of participants and compare wages at the 50th percentile rather than the 75th percentile.
Of course the result is that they show that the wage disparity for the TC Group isn’t as significant as found by the joint pay study, where the terms of reference were agreed upon by both parties. Treasury Board also said that it wants to neither lead nor lag the market in terms of wages and is happy to have employees paid either 10 per cent greater or 10 per cent less than comparator groups at the 50th percentile.
In other words, it doesn’t want to be the Employer of choice.  This is alarming, considering that TC members are highly skilled employees who shoulder the responsibility of enforcing the regulations put into place by government in order to protect the safety and security of Canadians, and our resources, our seas, skies and environment.

Articles 20, 43 and 45

In order to reduce the size of our package and to encourage the PIC to focus on our economic demands, the Union withdrew its proposals on Article 20 – Harassment; our demand in Article 43 – Family Related Responsibility Leave to move Compassionate Care Leave to a separate article; Article 45 – Maternity-Related Responsibility Leave; and our proposal for a new article on Pre-Retirement Leave.
The Employer came to the table with fewer proposals overall and withdrew its demand in Article 28 – Overtime, in which it was trying to limit to 50 kilometres the maximum 100-kilometre round trip mileage paid to employees who are called back to work on days off.


The PIC has 30 days from November 15, 2012, to issue its recommendations. At that time, the bargaining teams will have to consider whether the recommendations bring them close enough to a potential tentative agreement that they can return to the bargaining table.


The TC bargaining team thanks you for your support and your patience during this difficult round of bargaining. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Trans Day of Remembrance

Dear Sisters and Brothers,
November 20 is the annual Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR), a day dedicated to transgender, transsexual, and two-spirit individuals who have been killed or have been victims of violent attacks based on anti-transgender hatred or prejudice.
As you may know, transition is process in which a gender-diverse individual changes their body and appearance (including hormone replacement therapy, sex reassignment surgery, and/or esthetic treatments) to harmonize with the gender/sex they feel themselves to be. But, regrettably, these individuals are being targeted.
Over the past decade, more than one trans-identified person per month has been attacked or killed. Additionally, a recent Ontario study of trans health showed that rates of suicide and attempted suicide are significantly higher in the trans-population, especially trans-youth. This is due to the social shame and isolation felt by those who express their gender in a “different” way.
Bill C-279 aims to provide protection for these individuals by proposing to recognize gender identity and gender expression as groups under Canada’s Criminal Code hate crimes section and provide trans individuals protection under the Canadian Human Rights Act. The Bill has passed second reading and it was referred to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. But Conservative MPs are hindering progress, obscuring the bill’s intent with fear mongering and blatant lies.
We can put an end to this by supporting gender diversity and expression. Write your MP to speak out against discrimination and violence targeted at the trans community and voice your support for Bill C-279. You can also participate in one of the TDOR events held across the Prairie Region.
  • Calgary, Alberta
    Sunday, November 18, 2012, 2:00 p.m. (Doors open at 1:30 p.m.)
    The Old Y Centre for Community Organizations, 223 12 Ave. SW
  • Edmonton, Alberta
    Saturday, November 17, 2012, 2:00 p.m.
    Mcdougal United Church, 10086-101 St.
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba
    Tuesday, November 20, 2012, 
6:00 – 7:00 p.m. (doors open at 5:30 p.m.)
    Circle of Life Thunderbird House, 715 Main St
    Light snacks, warm refreshments, gender-neutral washrooms, and ASL 
interpretation will be provided. 
This free, all ages, event will be located in an accessible, drug and 
alcohol free venue. Contact:
 or visit the Facebook event page.
  • Regina, Saskatchewan
    Sunday, November 18, 2012, 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. (Vigil at 4:30 p.m.)
    St. James United Church, 4506 Sherwood Dr.
    Event will open with a reflective space with time for gathering
as community, followed by a video presentation of Trained in the Ways
 of Men, with discussion being facilitated by a panel of guest speakers.
In Solidarity,
Marianne Hladun
Regional Executive Vice-President
Public Service Alliance of Canada, Prairies

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Reminder-Local30048 meeting

November 19 7-9pm
@ Lethbridge Research Centre Cafeteria Conference Room

Election of Officers
Bargaining Update

Please plan on attending!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Reminder Meet & Greet with Marianne Hladun

Tuesday Nov 13, 6-8:30pm
Round Street Cafe

All Lethbridge & Area PSAC members are welcome!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Education campaign the Minister for Status of Women Canada Rona Ambrose

From Fédération du Québec pour le planning des naissances (FQPN)

On September 26, at the moment of the Motion 312 vote, we were astonished to notice
that the Minister responsible for the status of women, the Honorable Rona Ambrose, took
position to strike a committee that would have reviewed the fetus legal status in the light
of scientific advances. Without any doubt, this committee would have reopened the
abortion debate (despite the Conservative Party’s promise not to reopen it).

We believe that this stand requires Ms Ambrose to refresh her knowledge on the freedom
of choice issue, and on the importance of universal and free access to abortion for all
women – which is actually advocated by 75% of the Canadian population.

For the next 9 weeks, we invite you to send to the Minister an argument in favour of free
choice. You could formulate your own message, or use our new argument which we will
post every Monday on our website ( Send it by email, letter, Twitter,
Facebook, telephone, or other means. It has been proven that repetition is beneficial for
new learners.

It's a question of solidarity. One should furthermore know that aside from being
mandated to represent and defend the rights of women living in Canada, Rona Ambrose
has a number of other responsibilities, such as Public Works and Governmental Services.
We understand that it is quite difficult to reconcile family and work, and to remain up-todate with her other tasks. Let's support our Minister! Let's educate her! With a bit of
urging, Rona Ambrose will get a passing grade before the holidays. At least we hope so. If
not, we will have to regroup for the winter session.

To send along a pro-choice argument to the Minister for status of Women Canada,
download or copy-paste our weekly model, then you can:

 send her an email:
 write to her (no stamp required):
    Room 163 East Block
    Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
 phone her office: 1-613-996-9778
 post on her Facebook: http://www.facebook.com1ronaambrose
 Twitter: @MinRonaAmbrose

And do this over the next 9 weeks!

Special note: let us keep track of your initiatives: send us copies of your faxes, your
emails, your letters, and summaries of your phone messages at: or by Fax 514-866-1100.

This campaign is a result of a collaboration with
Centre de santé des femmes de Montréal, L’R des centres de femmes du Québec
Fédération des femmes du Québec and Relais-femmes.

Fédération du Québec pour le planning des naissances (FQPN)
110, rue Ste-Thérèse, bureau 405
Montréal (Québec)
H2Y 1E6
(514) 866-3721

Saturday, November 10, 2012

TC outstanding issues to come before PIC this week

November 10 , 2012

After a long wait, the TC Bargaining Team will appear before a Public Interest Commission (PIC) on November 13-15, 2012, to present our outstanding bargaining issues.

Treasury Board will do the same, and both parties will respond to each other's submissions.
This marks the first time PSAC will present to a Public Interest Commission under the Public Service Labour Relations Act, which came into effect in April, 2005.

The Public Interest Commission consists of a chairperson mutually agreed to by PSAC and Treasury Board, and two sidespersons, one representing each party. 

The Chair is arbitrator Vince Ready. Mr. Ready has mediated or arbitrated more than 7,000 labour and commercial disputes since opening his mediation and arbitration practice in 1982.

PSAC's sidesperson is Gary Cwitco, a former Director of Occupational Health and Safety with the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, who has more than 30 years experience in all aspects of labour relations. Guy Lauzé is the Employer sidesperson.

Under the legislation, the PIC has 30 days to write a report making recommendations for a settlement. Although these recommendations are not binding, they are expected to carry significant weight with both parties.

Your bargaining Team has worked hard to achieve a negotiated settlement. We hope the recommendations of the PIC will lead to a return the bargaining table and result in a tentative agreement that will be brought to the members for a vote.

Meanwhile, it is important to be prepared for any eventuality. For this reason, PSAC will be coordinating strike training for TC members right across the country in the near future. Please continue to check this website for further updates.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Local 30048 Meeting - Election of Officers - Nov 19

November 19 7-9pm
@ Lethbridge Research Centre Cafeteria Conference Room

Election of Officers
Bargaining Update

Please plan on attending!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Supporting our Brothers!

Local 30048 supports our Brothers with their Movember fund-raising campaign.

Donate to the Lethbridge Research Centre Movember Team.


Wear a button!

Buttons are available by donation from Jan or Ken or a member of the Executive Committee or Shop Steward.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Meet with Marianne Hladun - mark your calendar

Marianne Hladun, Regional Executive Vice-President, Prairies, will be visiting Lethbridge on Tuesday, November 13. Marianne will be first giving a short presentation, followed by the opportunity for members to meet Marianne and discuss local issues.

When: Tuesday, November 13, 6-8:30pm
Where: Round Street Cafe, 427-5 St S, Lethbridge
Coffee, tea, juice and baked treats will be served.

This meeting will serve as the November Area Council meeting and is open to all Lethbridge and Area PSAC members.