Friday, December 21, 2012

Idle No More

 As you likely know, PSAC is supporting the Idle No More campaign. Here's a letter from Sister Benson -

Locally, our Local and Area Council have lent support to a couple actions. Here is how you can get personally involved in Idle No More. We hope to see you out at some of these events.

All are on Friday, December 21, 2012:
10am-noon - Peaceful rally just west of Brocket 
12pm noon - Solidarity drum circle at Jim Hillyer's office 
Noon-4pm - Peaceful rally and detour near Cardston on Highway to Lethbridge
6pm - Flash mob drum circle and round dance at Park Place mall - Wear red, yellow, black or white and congregate in the hallways from Santa, to food court, to guest services desk. Wait for drumming and join the dance!

Also, take the time to educate yourself on the issues surrounding Idle No More.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Work Force Adjustment - information for you

In light of government austerity measures and further departmental transformation and adjustment (their words! not ours!), PSAC Local 30048 recommends members know their rights, options and obligations surrounding work force adjustment.

You have several sources for this information:

1. Your collective agreement - Look to the Appendices at the end.

2. The PSAC Work Force Adjustment site -

3. Your work force adjustment committee - At LRC, this is Dave Pearson, Sherry Hunt, Shannan Little and Michele Jackson.

4. Your local executive and stewards.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2012 National Day of Remembrance and Action

REVP Letter:
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Each year on December 6, National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, we honour the memory of the 14 young women at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal who were murdered in 1989 because they were women.
This year, the Conservative government dishonoured the legacy of these women, and the wishes of thousands more like them across the country, when they abolished the long gun registry and erased all of the existing records. In a press release the Conservative’s gloated about destroying the contents, saying the data can never be recovered.
At a time when we are still fighting to eliminate violence against women, the Harper Conservatives put an end to the service established to keep women safe. According to the Canadian Women's Foundation, 50 per cent of all women in Canada have experienced at least one incident of violence since the age of 16. Additionally, one woman is killed every six days by her intimate partner. The registry was designed to control this violence.
Even without it, however, we can move forward and work together to ensure that women in Canada are safe from violence. To do that, we must change attitudes and behaviours around violence towards women in our society. This includes non-physical violence, which can leave even deeper scars.
December 6 reminds us to do our part, each and every day, to ensure our community and our country is safe for all women and girls. Please see the attached list of December 6 events across the Prairies and participate in the one in your community.
In Solidarity,
Marianne Hladun
Regional Executive Vice-President
Public Service Alliance of Canada, Prairies

Lethbridge Event:
Candlelight vigil
@ Lethbridge YWCA
7pm on Dec 6

Education Planning Meeting - Lethbridge

Education Planning Meeting - Lethbridge
11 December 2012
17h30 - 20h
Community Room, Lethbridge Regional Police Station, 135 – 1st Avenue South, Lethbridge
Sign-up Deadline: December 6, 2012
RO Contacts - Dolly Ablitt and Raj Hari

This Education Planning meeting is open to members in Lethbridge. Members in outlying areas will be able to give their input via a conference call and information about the call will be coming out shortly.
Please contact the Regional Office if you are interested in attending using the contact info provided below.
Judy Shannon, the Regional Education Officer for the Prairies will be facilitating this meeting. 
The PSAC Prairie Region Council Education Committee invites you to Come and Join Us
for a conversation about the 2013-2015 PSAC Prairie Region Education Plan

Date:              TUESDAY DECEMBER 11TH
Time:              5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., supper provided
Location:        Community Room, Lethbridge Regional Police Station, 135 – 1st Avenue South  Lethbridge, Alberta

Come out and meet other PSAC members and staff who share your
interest in the PSAC Prairie Region education program

Reimbursement for loss of salary and/or family care costs
will be provided (leave form and/or receipts required)

Please RSVP to the PSAC Calgary Regional Office.
Phone:  1-800-461-8914 by Thursday December 6th

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holiday Giving Project

Many of us from Local 30048 and several other community knitters and crocheters have been busy stitching up holiday gifts to donate to charity. Join us on Monday, December 3 at 6:30 pm at the Round Street Cafe to gather up our gifts.