Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lethbridge Regional Women’s Committee Meeting

Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Lethbridge District Labour Council Boardroom

Light supper at 5:30pm. Meeting at 6pm.
Please RSVP to Maria at maria.fitzpatrick10@gmail.com.
Include any dietary accommodations.

All Lethbridge and Area PSAC members who identify as female are welcome to attend.

Resolutions from Regional Women's Committee
Report on activities
Upcoming activities

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sister Sherry Hunt, poet activist, puts #Harper government cuts to verse @SherryDownson

The following verse was written by Sherry Hunt, a PSAC member of Agriculture Local 30048 in Lethbridge. After reading about the latest cuts to government––with another huge hit to Agriculture in the Prairies––Hunt looked back at the past two years of a Harper majority and how our country has changed.

"It made me think of the well-known quote from Martin Niemöller––although he was speaking of an even more radical threat at the time, under the rule of Hitler," explains Hunt. "I considered what we're facing in Canada, and how we're losing the country we know and love. This verse is certainly no reflection on the original, just the musings of a concerned mother and activist. It's a reminder that we as Canadians need to find our voice and speak up before it's too late."

First they came for the national child care program, but my children were grown, so I said nothing.

Then they came for the status of women funding, but I am not a feminist, so I said nothing.

Then they refused to acknowledge 500+ missing Aboriginal women, but my family is safe, so I did nothing.

Then they came for the statisticians, but I don't understand math, so I said nothing.

Then they came for the Canadian Wheat Board, but I am not a grain farmer, so I did nothing.

Then they came for the climate scientists, but I like warm days, so I said nothing.

Then they prorogued our pensions, but I am too young to care and retirement is far off, so I did nothing.
Then they abused the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, but I am a citizen and have a job, so I said nothing.

Then they betrayed the treaties, but it's complicated, so I did nothing.

Then they came for my coworkers, and I was so happy it wasn't me, I said nothing.

Then they came for me.

*The timeline above may not be in chronological order and is not a comprehensive listing of all of the programs and services that have been cut or communities that have been affected by Stephen Harper and his Conservative government. We encourage readers to add their own verses in the comments section below to help us paint a more complete picture.

Add your own lines here - 

Follow Sherry on Twitter - @SherryDowson

Thursday, May 16, 2013

International Day Against Homophobia - May 17 - Fight the Homophobia Web Virus

The theme of the International Day Against Homophobia 2013 campaign is 
Fight the Homophobia Web Virus.

Homophobia is becoming increasingly present on the Web and in social media. The anonymity of the Internet facilitates the spread of abusive comments and cyberhomophobia that could have serious consequences.
More info here -

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Volunteer Meeting for Garden

We have begun our fourth year of gardening for the Lethbridge Research Centre Food Banks' Garden. Please join our information and volunteer meeting to be held Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 12 noon at the Lethbridge Research Centre Cafeteria Conference Room.

For more information, see lrcgarden.blogspot.ca.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Shannan Little awarded AFL International Women's Day Award

This year marked the 9th Biennial Convention of the Alberta Federation of Labour. More than 500 labour activists, leaders and delegates gathered to celebrate the achievements of unions, hear from dozens of speakers, and help chart the direction for the future.
During Convention, Shannan Little, a PSAC member from Agriculture Local 30048 in Lethbridge, was awarded with the International Women’s Day Award, which recognizes a sister in the labour movement for her outstanding commitment and leadership in the trade union movement and community.
According to Little, the award was a special honour that recognized both creativity in action and cooperation with the broader community.
“This award has re-energized the activist spirit inside of me. It is strong motivation to continue to fight for fairness and social justice. It has also generated dialogue with other activists. After the award ceremony, numerous people came to speak to me and there was a great sharing of ideas that I hope will continue.”
For the past five years, Little has served on as the Human Rights Representative on her Local executive, with special consideration for issues regarding women and children, poverty and Indigenous rights. Most recently, she has been working with the local Idle No More movement in their anti-Bill C-45 protests, teach-ins and round dances.
She was also instrumental in launching the anti-poverty and safe food supply initiative, the Lethbridge Research Centre Food Banks' Garden, by obtaining start-up funding and coordinating the volunteer team. The Food Banks' Garden commenced in 2010 and has donated $18,000 of fresh, quality produce to the local food bank in three years.
Sherry Hunt was one of the nominators to submit Little’s name for consideration on behalf of Local 30048.
“I do not think that I would be the activist I am without her being the activist she is. She works hard for our membership and our community and that kind of interaction between union and community is essential as we try to reach out to our allies in these difficult times.”
Little was happy to share the spotlight with those that helped her along the way, including members of her Local and her supportive family.
“This award is shared with my Sisters and Brothers in Local 30048, with our labour allies and our community allies as well. It is also acknowledgement of the sacrifice my family makes for my activism. Time spent in activism is time lost for my family. I was able to publicly thank my children Kieran and Cleio, my supportive and generous husband Dave, and my mother and father. No one can do these things without the support of family and allies.”
Looking ahead, Little says she will continue her work to promote social justice issues and political action initiatives in her workplace, around her community and throughout her union.
“I will continue to work on creative methods of engaging our members and to create coalitions within the labour movement and beyond.”
Shannan attended the CLC Political Action Conference in March as a representative from the PSAC Prairie Region: Read her report. You can also follow her on Twitter: @ShannanLittle.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Agriculture Union Human Rights Committee - new logo

Once again Local 30048 makes a name for themselves. Shaun Cook has been mentioned as contributing to the new logo. Read more and take a look at -

Monday, May 6, 2013

TC Group Bargaining Update

May 2, 2013

TC Group Bargaining Update

Although almost four months have passed since the Public Interest Commission released its recommendations to settle a new contract for the TC Group, Treasury Board says it is still not ready to return to the bargaining table.

The latest answer has become a familiar refrain: PSAC approached Treasury Board, offering to return to the bargaining table and use the recommendations of the PIC as a roadmap to a settlement.  The Employer says that it must first consult with departments before considering a return to the bargaining table.  When asked for an update, Treasury Board's reply is that the department consultations are continuing.

PSAC and the TC Bargaining Team are working hard to mobilize our members to get the best Collective Agreement possible. If you have not done so already, please share your personal e-mail address with either your PSAC Regional Office or your regional or component TC bargaining team member. Good communication is of key importance for our mobilizing efforts.

As well, Essential Service Agreements  (ESAs) for the TC bargaining unit are being finalized with the last of the government departments. We will be posting further information on TC ESAs as soon as it is available.

In the meantime, PSAC President Robyn Benson has communicated with her counterparts at Treasury Board, calling on them to return to the table. It is important that your voice is heard while Treasury Board is talking to your department managers.Here is how you can take action.

We want a fair contract now!