Friday, October 25, 2013

Local 30048 meeting - Nov 25 - Election and bylaw changes

Local 30048 Meeting
Nov 25, 2013
7:00 pm

Lethbridge Research Centre
Cafeteria Conference Room

Election of local officers for 2013-2014
Local 30048 by-law changes 

If you wish to add an agenda item, please contact Stephanie Erb at by 
Nov 18/13

Please plan to attend.   

Questions?  Contact any current executive member 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Annual General Meeting of the Lethbridge & District Area Council

The Annual General Meeting of the Lethbridge & District Area Council will be held on Wednesday, October 23 from 6-9 pm in the Community Room of The Lethbridge & District Police Station 135 - 1St Avenue South, Lethbridge , Alberta.
Please RSVP Dave Pearson or Sherry Hunt @:

Friday, October 18, 2013

TC Agreement Signed

The new TC Collective Agreement is finally in effect. It was formally signed by PSAC and Treasury Board on October 18, 2013.
Treasury Board now has up to 150 days to implement the changes to the Collective Agreement, including adjusting rates of pay and issuing retroactive pay.
In addition, TC members have six months to decide whether to cash out all or part of your accumulated severance pay or to leave it with Treasury Board until retirement or resignation. Please refer to the FAQs on Severance on this website. Members are encouraged to seek the advice of a financial adviser.
The TC Bargaining Team thanks all TC members for your support and patience during this long and difficult round of bargaining.

Pay in arrears

Pressure from bargaining agents and our members has paid off. Treasury Board President Tony Clement has confirmed in an Oct. 15 meeting with PSAC National President Robyn Benson that “pay modernization” in the federal public service and the implementation of “pay in arrears” will take place with no impact on PSAC members' pay – no member will experience a claw back.
The employer had proposed a transition that would have resulted in a loss of 4% off member’s biweekly paycheques in 2014.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Treasury Board delays signing of new TC collective agreement

Treasury Board informed PSAC late last week that it would be unable to honour its commitment to sign the new Collective Agreement before October 1st, 2013, citing “procedural issues.”

The parties had made plans to formally sign the collective agreement on September 30th, bringing its new provisions into effect. Although wage increases and allowances are retroactive, most other provisions of any new agreement are not effective until the date of signing.

PSAC held ratification votes from mid-August until September 19, 2013, to ensure that the Union would be in a position to sign the agreement by September 30th or earlier.

Treasury Board is now targeting mid-October for the formal signing.

Meanwhile, PSAC has been working hard to ensure that TC members being transferred to the First Nations Health Authority in B.C. effective October 1, 2013, would be entitled to the provisions of the new agreement.  Those assurances were received from the FNHA on September 30.